Subsidised ESPA Programs

Project management
Project management is one of our main services, helping our clients, offering our consulting services, flexibility, technological excellence and our construction capabilities.

Study and Design
The design team of the Company, consisting of trained and experienced engineers of all related specialties (Engineers, Designers), covers the Design needs in the widest field of its Constructions.

Construction and Erection
Utilizing long-term experience and know-how, we have managed to provide our partners with complete turn key solutions, in the required time with the best methods of manufacturing processes.

Industrial Maintenance
We undertake contracts for the control, operation and maintenance of industrial projects and mechanical equipment, restoration, repair and upgrade of systems, with the aim of their best possible operation.
Since its establishment in 1970, our company has demonstrated in practice the implementation of industrial constructions of high standards.
With 50 years in the field of construction-construction of industrial equipment and metal structures today we are one of the most reliable construction companies, offering comprehensive technical services in Greece and abroad.
We apply innovative design-construction strategies and efficient management procedures for the implementation of modern and complex projects according to the requirements. The continuous investment in our human resources and in the mechanical equipment of our factory, is a non-negotiable value of the company Anagnostou.
The substantial support of our partners at all levels is a priority of our business.
- Priority to the needs of our customers.
- Business ingenuity.
- Scientific accuracy and innovation.
Based on the technical requirements of each customer, the company undertakes projects in specialized areas.
From the foundation until today, as an Anagnostou company, we actively participate in the field of construction and installation of the mechanical equipment of the chemical and general industries of Greece. At the same time and continuously covers the needs of these industries by undertaking control and maintenance projects
We participate as a main contractor or as a subcontractor in major energy projects in Greece. The object of works includes construction and installation of pipes and machines in thermal power plants of PPC and construction of gates and pipes in Water / Electric Stations of private companies, PPC
In the field of shipbuilding for Northern Greece we undertake the repair, conversion and maintenance of ships. With an active presence in the modernization of the Port of Thessaloniki OLTH in terms of automation, electromechanical equipment, installation of machinery and loading cranes.
Metal and Construction Works
Having specialized and experienced staff, we undertake on the one hand the study, and on the other hand the construction and erection of metal buildings. In this context, the construction includes industrial buildings, as a necessary infrastructure for the installation of machinery or independent composite metal buildings.
The long-term activity of the company, as a contractor of facilities in the chemicals and petroleum industries, had as a necessity the parallel activity in the Design, Prefabrication, Installation of tanks as well as the network of pipelines for the circulation of fluids such as liquid and gaseous fuels.
Pressure Equipment
One of the main objects of employment of our company from the first years of its operation was the construction and maintenance of PED pressure equipment, boilers, temperature exchangers, pressure vessels. The best result is the experience to be applied with the right techniques adapted to the needs.
Νέα & Άρθρα

Ανάληψη έργου στον Ελληνικό Χρυσό
Η ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΥ ανέλαβε το έργο της μηχανολογικής συντήρησης των εγκαταστάσεων του Ελληνικού...

Νέα ανάληψη έργου στο ΤΙΤΑΝ
Η ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΥ ανέλαβε από τον όμιλο ΤΙΤΑΝ την εκτέλεση του έργου της εγκατάστασης τεμαχίων...

Blood Donation
Η τεχνική εταιρεία Αναγνώστου Δ & ΣΙΑ ΕΕ συμμετέχει στην αιμοδοσία που διοργανώνει ο Δήμος...

Spyridon Farmakiotis, Geschaftsfuhrer
It is confirmed that the contracting company "ANAGNOSTOU" executed on behalf of ANODOS GmbH: Supply of materials, industrialization, sandblasting - painting and installation of metal frame of a kindergarten building in Munich, Germany.

Ar. Grigoriadis, General Director of Operational Units
The company "ANAGNOSTOU" was assigned the execution of the repair-repair works of the metal construction of the Electric Cranes No35, No36, No37 of OLTH SA, with a capacity of 10ton each.

S. M. Spadavecchia, General Manager
We certify that the company Anagnostou, performed in our facilities: Study, certification with C.E. construction and installation of a lifting and tipping system. Construction of a Tank with a Capacity of 850m

Robert Toet, Project Manager Olympias Phase II
This letter recognises Anagnostou for their professionalism, support, and dedication towards the Structural & Mechanical Disassembly and Installation Scopes for the Olympias Phase II Project.

Matthew Gordon, Construction Manager
On behalf of the GRES CMT Team, I would like to extend my appreciation for the amazing work done by Anagnostou on the Olympias phase 2 Project. The endless hour that you and your team have spent working on this project, and the professionalism that you have portrayed has impressed the entire team immensely and we deem ourselves honored to have had Anagnostou on this project. The project reach more than one million man hours worked without an LTI.

The contracting company "ANAGNOSTOU" performed the project: Reconstruction of Tank No4 in the installation of our company in Mytilene according to the terms of the contract - Dismantling of tank No4 of dimensions Φ = 9550mm and H = 9000mm, Reconstruction of a new tank of similar dimensions